3 July 2024
6 July 2024
Heraklion, Crete, Greece

The 71st ORCA Congress

More information
Web Summaries - Consensus on Root Caries


AAC & ORCA Joint Webinar - Are there Alternatives to Fluoride for Caries Control?
Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe - Manifesto for 2024-2029

Dear Member of ORCA,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 71st ORCA Congress, we would like to share the welcome letter with you:

ORCA 2024

Dear Member of ORCA,

We would like to make you aware of a new book in the Monographs in Oral Science series:

Coronal Caries: Evolving Evidence and Clinical Practice

You can access this book through the Dashboard once logged into our website (https://orca-caries-research.org/). If you have difficulties in accessing the book series, please contact membership@orca-caries-research.org.

Sent on behalf of the ORCA Board

Dear Member of ORCA,

We would like to inform you about a job vacancy in Denmark:

Dear Member of ORCA,

This is just a friendly reminder to cast your vote in the election of the new Advisory Board members in case you have not done so already. To do so, please log into your account and select the "Voting for ORCA Advisory Board" menu under "Forms" (bottom right on the Dashboard).

Please note that can you select up to THREE members. Voting will close on 04 July 2023.

If you have any issues logging into your account, please respond to this email.

Sent on behalf of the ORCA Board

Dear Member of ORCA,

This is just a friendly reminder to cast your vote in the election of the new Advisory Board members in case you have not done so already. To do so, please log into your account and select the "Voting for ORCA Advisory Board" menu under "Forms" (bottom right on the Dashboard).

Please note that can you select up to THREE members. Voting will close on 04 July 2023.

If you have any issues logging into your account, please respond to this email.

Sent on behalf of the ORCA Board

Dear Member of ORCA,

We would like to share a new Lecture in our ORCA Lectures and Webinars series with you. The second lecture is from Prof. Annika Frahsa from the ORCA Congress in Cagliari last year. Please see below flyer on how to access it:

Martignon ORCA 2022

If you have any issues accessing your account, please email membership@orca-caries-research.org.


Dear Member of ORCA,

This is a friendly reminder to vote in the election for our Vice-President and Treasurer:


Voting will close 12 Jun 2023.

Please also respond to this email with nominations for our Advisory Board. Please include a photo and a statement from the candidate. The deadline to nominate candidates is 09 Jun 2023.

Thank you!

Dear Member of ORCA,

We have three important items to share with you today. To cast your vote in the election, please scroll down.

1. Vice-President Election

We have received one nomination from Gail Douglas (Leeds, UK):

Gail Douglas

Professor Gail Douglas



Dear Member of ORCA,