3 July 2024
6 July 2024
Heraklion, Crete, Greece

The 71st ORCA Congress

More information
Web Summaries - Consensus on Root Caries


AAC & ORCA Joint Webinar - Are there Alternatives to Fluoride for Caries Control?
Platform for Better Oral Health in Europe - Manifesto for 2024-2029

Dear Member of ORCA,

We would like to inform you about a job vacancy at the Indiana University School of Dentistry:

Dear ORCA member,

After achieving global consensus on “How to intervene in the caries process” with EFCD, ORCA is proud to announce three online Zoom lectures - FREE for members - on:

Dear Member of ORCA,

A new Web Summaries has been added to our website.

Sent on behalf of the ORCA Board


Dear Member of ORCA,

The abstract booklet for the 69th ORCA Congress is now available for download here.

Sent on behalf of the ORCA Board

Dear Member of ORCA,

Those of you who will attend the ORCA Congress in Cagliari later this month may be interested in a workshop on research integrity provided by Karger, the publisher of Caries Research. The workshop will take place on Saturday, 02 July from 14:30-16:30.